Welcome to the RICE blog
— Blog Post — 1 min read
Thank you for visiting RICE‘s new blog. Please look around at our project and research. We hope you will get involved with our community -- we look forward to hearing from you. Keep coming back to the blog for updates on what we are doing, news from RICE’s projects, and our perspective on events, research, and issues related to our work. Avinash, Diane, and I all will be making regular posts.
For now, Avinash is collecting data in India, and Diane is hanging out with a survey team in Mexico studying labor migration. I should be able to submit RICE’s 501(c)(3) paperwork to the IRS by the end of the week.
This blog -- and the whole website -- would not exist if not for the dedication and creativity of Brian Hall. Thank you, Brian, for giving us this opportunity to get everybody involved in RICE and the lives of the people we work with.